Leaders and Best Accost Uber Driver for Being a “Minimum Wage F*ggot”

Observe the shameless laziness and callous disrespect and then remember that this is a student at one of the top ranked universities in the world.

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A video has been making rounds today that, if not in substance, in essence captures the character of the “leaders and best” very nicely. The video shows a group of beta male students accosting an Uber driver after he (presumably) canceled their ride for their bad behavior.

The leader of the group, showing signs of early male pattern baldness and wearing clothing indicative of a rich daddy, had some rather unlettered words for the driver:

“Minimum wage faggot.”

“They (the University) don’t give a shit about you…(I) spend the most money here.”

“Fuck you Arthur, you little faggot fuck.”

And my favorite, in a moment of honesty: “You have to work all day? I’m going to go sit on my ass and watch some TV!”

Here’s the full video:

Normally I wouldn’t bother myself on a Sunday to write about other people, but this instance gave me a satisfying reminder of why I dropped out of college and an interesting look into the mindset that the millennial university experience breeds:

Observe what he said again: “(I) spend the most money here.”

This is, of course, a lie.

His college tuition is paid for either by A) his parents (who have achieved a success he will likely never reach) and/or B) a student loan (which he’ll likely never pay off).

If A, he’s a hypocrite and a parasite. If B, he’s an idiot who will one day after graduation, indebted beyond belief, realize that the Uber drive he mocked has a higher standard of living than he does.

Observe also his closing: “You have to work all day? I’m going to go sit on my ass and watch some TV!”

Observe the egregious sense of entitlement and elitism displayed by this twenty-something year old who has accomplished nothing and done nothing in his life and yet thinks he is superior to anybody who has a job that doesn’t require a degree from the University of Michigan.

Observe the shameless laziness and callous disrespect and then remember that this is a student at one of the top ranked universities in the world.

If this is the leaders and best, I’m not impressed.

UPDATE: The driver of the Uber posted in the YouTube comments that this was not the first time this has occurred.

“This is 4th time that I have been harassed by this rider and his friends. Nov. Dec. and twice in March. I told him on 3rd occasion that I requested Uber to banned him but he is/was using friends accounts. Told him and his friends that I will not take them and that he/they need to get out of my car….. For that I was falsely accused, called names etc. 4th time… Rider knew from Uber application who is the driver. He had option to cancel to avoid any issues but he/they proceeded to abuse, harrase, belittle and provoke like kindergarten thugs.”

UPDATE: I’ve been told I made too broad a pronouncement about the moral state on campus with this post. I’ll refer you to the extensive vandalism at the Boyne Highlands resort last year and let you judge for yourself.

UPDATE: The Michigan Review staff has decided to release the name of the student in the video. 

UPDATE: An anonymous email has pointed me to JakeCroman.com

NOTE: The Review wants to know more. Email rev.editors@umich.edu. You will remain anonymous.

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About Derek Magill

Derek Magill was a contributor to the Michigan Review.