Dear University of Michigan Freshmen, You’ve been told a lie most of your life. The lie is this: get good grades in highschool, put in some community service, do a sport or a musical instrument, get into a good college, and you’re guaranteed success in life. That could have been true at one point, but […]
Category: Country Club Anarchist
5 Updates to the Jake Croman Uber Story
New updates have recently come out (no, Jake is still a balding prick) that shed some more light on yesterday’s story. 1) I received an anonymous email that linked me to the new Jake Croman “fan page.” A bit much, in my opinion. As a libertarian, I think private policing mechanism like social ostracism are a […]
Leaders and Best Accost Uber Driver for Being a “Minimum Wage F*ggot”
Observe the shameless laziness and callous disrespect and then remember that this is a student at one of the top ranked universities in the world. A video has been making rounds today that, if not in substance, in essence captures the character of the “leaders and best” very nicely. The video shows a group of […]
An Interview with Derek Magill | Praxis Digital Strategist and 2015 Michigan SFL Speaker
Here’s an inconvenient truth: college degrees don’t mean as much as they used to. More and more, young people are pursuing faster, cheaper alternatives. Former UM student Derek Magill, Director of Digital Strategy at Praxis and speaker at the 2015 Michigan Students for Liberty Regional conference, is doing just that. About a year and half ago, Derek, frustrated […]
The UM Dropout Whose Startup Wants to Get You Your Dream Job Without a College Degree
Alternatives to higher education have been getting more and more coverage recently, and with good reason. The average college student who graduated in 2015 has roughly $35,000 in debt, the amount of learning students are actually gaining during their four years is dubious, and companies are increasingly looking for skills and experiences that the average person doesn’t […]
George Reisman: Defender of Capitalism | A Reading List
Today we look at a regretfully unknown figure in economics to “millennial libertarians,” George Reisman. I write “regretfully,” because Resiman is an absolute giant. Taught directly under Ludwig von Mises and Ayn Rand at various points in his life, Reisman developed an interest in the constitution at the age of 5, and began his study of […]
A Summer and Fall Semester Reading List for Free Thinkers
Here’s a controversial opinion: the “Michigan Difference” is little more than a collectively reinforced illusion — a clever bait and switch. The simple fact is that most of you are not getting the education you’re paying for. Your ideas won’t be seriously challenged, your world views won’t be shaken and you will leave college no better […]
The Law, Perverted!
The following is excerpted from Frederic Bastiat’s, 1848 pamphlet, The Law. Enter Bastiat The law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! The law, I say, not only turned from its proper purpose but made to follow an entirely contrary purpose! The law become the weapon of every kind of […]
#BBUM, An Intolerant History
The Being Black at the University of Michigan movement – a name by which one can immediately grasp the character of it’s organizers – and the subsequent BSU protests and demands, have their roots in an advertisement by a fraternity for a “Hood Ratchet” themed party on campus. Citing racism on campus against black students, […]
Guilty Middle Class Wolverines Out To Prove They Aren’t Racist By Passing Resolution For Students of Certain Ethnicities
Barely a week after the Central Student Government decided to back the Black Student Union and it’s demands for a university-wide war against racism – or what the BSU and the Coleman administration have defined to be racism – a CSG assembly of bumptious, would-be-politicians, passed a resolution which addresses minority enrollment, the creation of a scholarship for […]