
If you’re not one for facts and simply believe that Donald Trump represents ‘hate,’ I suggest you watch his victory speech from late last night. His tone was one of inclusivity, calling to unite a diverse America of all “races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs.”

If you’ve been anywhere near social media during the last 12 hours you’ve probably seen instances of Trump-related hysteria. To a certain extent I understand the anxiety. Personally, I am concerned about Trump’s stances on the environment, the global economy and privacy issues.

Most of my left wing friends, however, seem to be primarily upset with the supposed fact that Donald Trump is a racist, sexist, xenophobe, etc.. Many genuinely believe that Trump’s presidency will usher in an age of KKK-style racial persecution; that Trump intends to deport all Mexican people living in the United States; that LGBT people have reason to “fear for their lives.”

Let me correct the record here for a second. Trump wishes to crack down on illegal immigration – the notion that Donald Trump hates/disparages Mexicans is an outrageous stretch of the media’s imagination. Donald Trump’s views on LGBT issues are much more progressive than those of most Republicans – he even spoke out in favor of transgender bathroom freedom. Donald Trump supports a temporary ban on Muslim immigration to the United States – if you’re a Muslim already living in the US you will not be deported or persecuted.

While Trump’s “locker room talk” may be in poor taste, there is absolutely no evidence that he is guilty of sexual assault or that his policies will lean anti-women. If you’re not one for facts and simply believe that Donald Trump represents ‘hate,’ I suggest you watch his victory speech from late last night. His tone was one of inclusivity, calling to unite a diverse America of all “races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs.”

The mainstream media is to blame for Trump-induced panic attacks and meltdowns. Even reputable news sources like the New York Times resorted to unsubstantiated name-calling, throwing around heavy labels like “racist” and comparisons to Adolf Hitler with little regard for fact or neutrality. They obsessively, neurotically spread statistics around uneducated white male support for Trump, often groundlessly asserting racial malice among these voters.

The abject failure of these same media sources in predicting Hillary Clinton’s victory is a testament to their profound disconnect with American voters. From their sheltered NYC bubble of liberal superiority, right-wing voters represent an alien threat, unworthy of a real listening-to.

It is far too late to backtrack and attempt to reach an understanding, as Donald Trump pulled off the greatest political upset in recent history. But cancel your ticket to Canada, because Trump and his supporters are not monsters. They are real people with conscience and intelligence. In the coming days and months I truly believe that the “only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

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About Amo Manuel

Amo Manuel was a contributor to the Michigan Review.