Senior Reflection: Sara Otto

I’ve only found Ann Arbor from an airplane once. Thanks to the Big House, I got lucky one particularly bright afternoon and found the maize block M emblazoned on the back of one of the Jumbotrons from 30,000 feet above it. From there, I traced Hoover Street to State Street with my eyes as I […]

The Curious Case of Caitlyn Jenner and What We Ought to Do About It

Needless to say, I think this is all malarkey; that is, all of this jargon is merely academic posturing dressed up in high-sounding definitional rhetoric—all to obscure a deeper reality: that modern gender theory is merely a cover under which those confused about their maleness or femaleness can work out their own misgivings, past hurts, and future insecurities under and within what appears to be a large, welcoming tent of legitimacy. It is no such thing.