Recently, I put forward a resolution to Central Student Government (CSG), A.R. 6-042, entitled “A Resolution That Commits Robustly Both This Body and the University as a Whole to Free Speech, or, the ‘Dangerous School’ Resolution.” The vote was held on March 28; my resolution was defeated. The recent, deeply disturbing events at Middlebury College […]
Tag: liberty
Freedom to Bear Arms and Use the Bathroom?
When placed side by side gun control and transgender bathroom rights challenge traditional left-right conceptions of freedom. The debates surrounding both gun rights and transgender restroom rights center on the level of control Americans are willing to cede to the U.S. government. Clearly, these issues are not comparable in terms of their implications: enacting stricter […]
Deroy Murdock Shares Economic Insights with Students
ANN ARBOR, MI – Deroy Murdock, an editor for National Review online and a political commentator for Fox News, came to campus Wednesday September 14th to speak to the University of Michigan’s chapter of Young Americans for Freedom. He spoke about Obama’s presidency and commented on his government spending programs, including, but not limited to, […]
A Gay Man Walks into a Gun Shop
The NRA, in defending citizens’ right to “keep and bear Arms”—a right clearly enumerated in the Second Amendment—is imposing its values on everyone else. But when social conservatives make the case that gay activists and left-wing academics in Obergefell have forced their own moral views upon the rest of the nation by redefining marriage to make into a genderless institution more focused on the romantic desires of adults at the expense of the needs and rights of children, we are laughed out of the room.