Letter to the Editor: My Own Thoughts on the 2016 Presidential Election

The problems we face are many. To name just a few: our country is in a need of a moral and spiritual reformation of its unwritten constitution to revitalize the free associations of community, religion, and other institutions of civil society.


The moment of political experience we are seeing is difficult to encapsulate. Tocqueville probably explains most. But 

Mr. Donald Trump is a vulgar demagogue with countless reasons to disqualify him according to even the most minimal of standards to be Leader of the Free World. The two things constant are that he wants to build a wall and loves Putin.

Secretary Clinton is corrupt and would bring ill to our country through her progressive policies that are unjust as well as unfit for our American traditions of federalism and public morality.

Gary Johnson is not an actual libertarian, disappointingly. Otherwise he might actually leave people alone.

The problems we face are many. To name just a few: our country is in a need of a moral and spiritual reformation of its unwritten constitution to revitalize the free associations of community, religion, and other institutions of civil society.

The regulatory state and the Supreme Court usurp our republic by removing our ability to deliberate and decide polarizing issues within a federalist model. There is not that much hope to reclaim the proper operation of a democracy. The security state is also quite scary in its reach.

The executive branch is thus in these matters as well as usurping Congress as a domestically imperial presidency. Soft Caesarism is here, yes, but the right for kids to have lemonade stands must not be surrendered.

The vision of the Democrats is against life and the family but for ever greater technocracy, and the vision of the Republicans is dominated by white identity politics. Good old-school liberals seem extinct and the Party of Lincoln has … well, you know.

I am a culturally conservative libertarian who believes in American global leadership. I am disillusioned by this election as are many across political beliefs and interests for so many reasons other than mine. Our republic needs women and men of character. We have some. We need more.

The debate to commence soon features little hope, but caring about local elections and organizing rotary clubs always remain an option.

Young, idealistic, and without much experience to justify most of my opinions, I think the fight for republicanism shall continue with civility and honesty, not bombast and political correctness. Reform begins from within. Decadent times call for repentant Americans. I’ll let Judy Garland have the last word.

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