I am a culturally conservative libertarian who believes in American global leadership. I am disillusioned by this election as are many across political beliefs and interests for so many reasons other than mine.
Tag: Clinton
UMich College Republicans Endorse Donald Trump
College Republicans at the University of Michigan made a formal endorsement of Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President on Wednesday
Why Third Party Candidates Might Have a Shot in 2020
More than any past election cycle, this particular presidential race has Americans perplexed and hoodwinked by a process they have (mostly) trusted. During the chaos that is a presidential campaign, dozens or even hundreds of politicians are sifted through in order to find the man or woman best suited for the Oval Office.
[PHOTO] Private Hillary Email
Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email account to conduct matters involving classified information and private correspondences during her tenure as Secretary of State has drawn the ire of many Americans. An initial report from the New York Times indicated that Clinton, on the first day of her Senate Confirmation hearing, arranged to set up an email […]
Ready or Not: Here Comes Hillary
On Sunday, Hillary Clinton announced her intent to run for president of the United States. Her two-minute campaign video focused on domestic policy and the economy with the latter likely to be a defining issue moving forward. As her husband’s campaign astutely divined, “It’s the economy, stupid.” Foreign policy was not mentioned at all. In […]