Know Thy Regulation

On Sept. 30, Sen. Richard Blumenthal, a Connecticut Democrat, made a fool of himself during a committee hearing regarding Big Tech. “Will you commit to ending Finsta?” he asked Facebook Safety Chief Antigone Davis. Likely suppressing a laugh, Davis attempted to answer his question, but her efforts did not satisfy the senator. “I don’t think […]

Get Off Facebook

Particularly during election season, college students find themselves bored in class, scrolling through Facebook, and sharing various videos and articles on each of the candidates and the varied, politically polarizing political happenings across the country. There’s nothing quite like finding a clever argument against the opposing side of the political spectrum and sharing it for […]

Student summoned to dean’s office for ‘required Administrative Meeting’ over Facebook posts

Purdue University Northwest student Joshua Nash has been summoned to a “required Administrative Meeting” scheduled by a campus administrator to discuss Nash’s personal Facebook comments, according to a July 6 memo sent to the student. Nash, whose Twitter handle is @ConservativeJZN and whose bio declares “my pronouns are: God, Overlord, and #DangerousFaggot,” is a fan […]

Buying? Selling? Try Facebook

In the age of online communication, online marketplaces have become a staple of buying and selling on college campuses across America. At the University of Michigan, several groups exist with names such as Maize Market, Free & For Sale and Ladies of UofM: Buy, Sell and Trade. Each group has its personality and is defined […]