Cavaliers, Cubs, and Trump … Oh My!

Regardless of what caused Hillary’s defeat, a question that will be on the minds of the masses is why the polls were deceiving? The polls predicted that Trump would not stand a chance.

2016 has been the year of upsets. First the Cleveland Cavaliers beat the seemingly unstoppable Golden State Warriors; then the Cubs overcame a 100-year losing streak; and now Trump “trumped” the Clinton machine.

(Map from
(Map from

This election has been filled with many surprises, but who saw this coming? Former reality TV star and successful business mogul, Donald J. Trump will be our 45th president. Whether you like it or not, you have to sit back and soak this in. The American people spoke clearly last night. Republicans did not just squeak by, but they kicked butt: the Congress stayed red, and Trump was able to steal away key left leaning states—so far including Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. And when it’s all said and done, Trump may win over 300 Electoral College votes.   

 Looking at the results, it seems that citizens were tired of the status quo being provided by establishment candidates; they wanted new leadership in our nation’s capital.  Polls across the country showed that arguably majority of Americans were unsure about Trumps ability to be commander and chief last night, but the number one factor on voters’ minds was change.  Thus, it seems that change was the nail in Hillary’s coffin. Despite the fact that she ran a strong campaign, Clinton was seen as the epitome of establishment leadership and the status quo because of her record of 30 years in public service and close relationship with President Obama . 

But regardless of what caused Hillary’s defeat, a question that will be on the minds of the masses is why the polls were deceiving? The polls predicted that Trump would not stand a chance. 

Well, the answer can be found by looking into the shadows.  In other words,  there was a secret force of Trump supporters that no one, not even the news pundits, saw coming.  But this is not cable news fault. Many of my fellow Trump supporters are what I call closet Republicans. They are conservatives but are afraid of admitting it because of the backlash they may receive from their liberal friends and colleagues. But as we saw last night, this fear did not keep them from being brave with their vote. 

Moving forward, what should we expect to see? I’m not completely sure, but with a Republican super majority, look forward to seeing the death of Obamacare, as we know it, and a conservative Supreme Court.

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About Tony Black

Tony Black was a contributor to the Michigan Review.