One of the largest protests in American history occurred just one day following President Trump’s inauguration. Activists gathered across the nation in cities including New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago, and Ann Arbor to protest Donald Trump’s purported political positions. These, among others, include cutting public funding for organizations that perform abortions like Planned Parenthood, […]
Tag: Protest
Watch: Women’s March in Ann Arbor Draws Thousands
While the name of the event would imply a simple focus on the rights of women, protesters called for action on climate change, amnesty and protection of immigrants, and provision of universal healthcare.
Materials Stolen at Event on Censorship
The theft, presumably by protesters, seemingly confirmed to theme of the event: the threat of liberal censorship.
Anti-Whatever Protesters: We Need to Chat
On November 12, a U-M crime alert was sent out that described the harassment of a hijab-wearing woman the day before by an unknown man on State Street in downtown Ann Arbor.
The Left Underestimated Trump’s Raison d’être—to its Peril
People in this bubble severely underestimated how tired ordinary Americans were of unchecked immigration, an economy stacked against average folks, and the quasi-religion of political correctness—and thus how very little the numerous attacks thrown at Trump would matter, since he was channeling deep and valid frustrations long ignored, as well as offering himself as a proverbial megaphone for voters long scorned.