Last week, the University hosted a panel in the Michigan League entitled “To Rename or Remain” to address the possibility of renaming the C.C. Little Science Building. Before the panel, several different groups of protesters — primarily from By Any Means Necessary, BBUM, and the Black Student Union — marched through the Diag and to […]
Tag: news
It’s Official: Picketers are Pro-Nazi “Hate Group”
Every Saturday for over 13 years picketers sponsored by a group calling itself Deir Yassin Remembered have picketed Beth Israel Congregation in Ann Arbor. That group has now been listed by one of America’s leading civil rights organizations on its annual register of “Active Hate Groups.” To fight bigotry of all types, the Southern Poverty Law Center […]
The University of Michigan Must Embrace Free Speech
We, along with Dean Ellison and the University of Chicago, recognize that speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act; without it, we are forever doomed to darkness. And so we speak now, aligning ourselves with liberty and truth, and bid others join us.
New Medical Amnesty Support from CSG
Would you rather Trump or Rand as president? I genuinely want Trump to win for my entertainment and because he’ll show people how centralized government is. But if Rand had a reasonable shot at winning I’d have to support him.