Affirmative Action Frankenstein: How U of M Bypasses Prop. 2

This October, the Michigan Daily published an article detailing the progress of the University of Michigan’s five-year Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) plan, an initiative launched in October 2016. The article features quotes from an interview with LSA Dean Andrew Martin, particularly on the topic of faculty diversity. Speaking candidly, Martin states that recently-launched tenureship […]

Is U-M’s Students4Justice Demanding a Segregated Space on Campus?

In response to racist and anti-Semitic emails sent to College of Engineering students last week, Students4Justice, a student organization at the University of Michigan, coordinated a sit-in at the Michigan Union on February 9. The sit-in sought to bring attention to the organization’s list of demands for the University, which criticizes the school’s “dedication to […]

Board of Regents to Spend $10 Million on Already Renovated Multicultural Center

If the new multicultural center truly is for all cultures on campus, then it is for all students to decide its necessity. If, however, the center is not for all cultures to share, then how can the University justify spending $10 million on an exclusionary institution? We must honestly ask ourselves whether we should abandon democracy to spend so much money on this new center.