In October of 2013, Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid had a decision to make. The Republican Party under Minority Leader Mitch McConnell seemed to take pleasure in delaying the Senate. FIlibusters were becoming the norm and cloture motions, votes to break a filibuster, had nearly doubled from the Bush era, as logjam seemed to be […]
Tag: Congress
Loose Cannons Come in Orange
In one of the most shocking and dramatic turns of the Trump Administration, last week, in an extremely encouraging step toward bipartisanship, President Trump made a surprise deal with Democratic House and Senate Minority Leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to help raise the debt ceiling. Further, now it appears they are all working together […]
U of M Professor: We Have No Reason to Believe Bipartisanship is Good
The frequent prescription for the ills of the U.S. Congress is more bipartisanship, but we have no definitive reason to believe this, according to University of Michigan professor, Dr. Charles Shipan. Many Americans believe that the country’s political landscape is void of bipartisanship due to increasing polarization. It is thought that our congressmen only look […]
The Hypocrisy of Congressional Advocates for the Minimum Wage
As is typical for the U.S. Congress, they have legislated rules and regulations that they themselves are exempt from.