Catholic or not, spiritual or not, the idea that spirituality and sports don’t have to be in constant competition with each other is one we should embrace. Who knows, maybe Luke Scott wasn’t that far off when he said, “I believe God is a sports fan.”
Author: Samantha Audia
Samantha Audia was editorial-page editor of the Michigan Review.
Toeing the Party Line
A few weeks ago, I found myself in the process of getting my nails done when a fellow patron of the salon noticed my Michigan apparel, leaned towards me conspiratorially and asked, “Do you know the students who destroyed that ski resort?” Ah ski trip. That certainly was not the first time I’ve been asked […]
What The Bachelor Got Right
My friends know me to be an outspoken super-fan of the Bachelor franchise. I’ve been told that it’s worth watching the weekly episodes just to understand my Twitter diatribes, and upon my return to campus last week my roommate asked me how Bachelor in Paradise was developing this season “because I know that’s a really […]