With “divest” movements spreading across the country and gaining momentum at U-M, Dr. Pierre Desrochers visited the University to present an alternative look at fossil fuels. There’s more trees and animals on the planet today than ever before thanks to fossil fuels, a professor told a room full of University of Michigan students Wednesday. Many assign […]
Author: Aayushi Madani
Aayushi Madani was a contributor to the Michigan Review.
Is it a Game of Thrones?
I do not disagree that the ROK’s demands and policies are radical and I do not endorse their practices in any way whatsoever. But it’s high time we acknowledge that there are two ends of the spectrum, and if we can accept radical feminists in our society, we have to be able to accept radical “meninists”.
Jay Nordlinger Discusses New Book
October 29th, Michigan League – Standing in front of a room of family members and students at the University of Michigan on Thursday evening, renowned American journalist Jay Nordlinger introduced his new book Children of Monsters with the famous Jersey Boys tagline, “Everyone remembers it how they need to.” An editor of The National Review […]