Editor-in-Chief Deion Kathawa takes aim at the feckless institution of CSG: “[R]ather than make themselves accountable to you, the student body, in a simple interview, your elected representatives have made it abundantly clear that they find this duty to be merely optional—even though it was you who bestowed upon them their present positions and their corresponding powers. In short, they hold you in contempt.”
Tag: hypocrisy
The Hypocrisy of Congressional Advocates for the Minimum Wage
As is typical for the U.S. Congress, they have legislated rules and regulations that they themselves are exempt from.
What the Secular Left and the Religious Right Get Wrong in the Josh Duggar Fiasco
Is what Josh Duggar did disgusting and reprehensible? Yes. Are liberals hilariously hypocritical in their criticism of him? Yes. Are the so-called Christians defending him deeply mistaken about the nature of forgiveness and how it relates to Josh’s actions? Yes.
Hebdo and Progressive Hypocrisy
Does the content of the Hebdo cartoonists render their murder any less tragic? In either case, the social justice crowd should recognize the parallels and understand why many defenders of free speech and Hebdo are upset by accusations that Hebdo was “kind of asking for it.”