Deny Biden the Eucharist

In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church had a ceremony called “Bell, Book, and Candle.” It was a rite of excommunication reserved for powerful public figures who committed a particularly grave sin, such as murder. A bishop would publicly bring 12 priests together in a church. The bell would ring, the bishop would read from […]

Jewish students outraged after UMich student government accuses Israel of ethnic cleansing, war crimes

Disclaimer: This article was first published in The College Fix on May 12 and has been republished here with the permission of the editors. It remains unaltered aside from this note. Leaders of the University of Michigan’s Central Student Government issued a strongly worded statement Monday night accusing Israel of “inhumane, international war crimes” toward […]

Cancel Cancel Culture

In recent months, the country has seen the reemergence of cancel culture, the id of American political discourse. It can best be defined as an overly and aggressively punitive practice of reprimanding disagreement in which one is browbeaten, usually by online rage mobs, for statements or actions both innocuous and unacceptable. When one is “canceled,” […]