In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church had a ceremony called “Bell, Book, and Candle.” It was a rite of excommunication reserved for powerful public figures who committed a particularly grave sin, such as murder. A bishop would publicly bring 12 priests together in a church. The bell would ring, the bishop would read from […]
Author: Charles Hilu
Jewish students outraged after UMich student government accuses Israel of ethnic cleansing, war crimes
Disclaimer: This article was first published in The College Fix on May 12 and has been republished here with the permission of the editors. It remains unaltered aside from this note. Leaders of the University of Michigan’s Central Student Government issued a strongly worded statement Monday night accusing Israel of “inhumane, international war crimes” toward […]
Regent Acker’s Double Standard
Campus has been buzzing the past week over comments Regent Ron Weiser made during a meeting of the North Oakland County Republican Club. The Detroit News posted the video of Weiser’s speech where he made the remarks. You should watch the video before continuing to read this piece. It becomes clear that those calling for […]
Don’t Boycott the Beijing Olympics
I’m going to be straight-up, I love the Olympics. I always look forward to seeing people from different countries compete in sporting events that are not always televised–ski jump, bobsledding, speedskating. Most of all, I love watching the United States compete and dominate the medal count, proving time and time again that we are the […]
Why Rush Limbaugh Should Matter to Young Conservatives
The first time I ever heard Rush Limbaugh’s name was probably when I was around 10 years old. My grandpa was ranting about politics over the phone when my mom asked him sarcastically, “And everyone is wrong except for Rush Limbaugh, right, dad?” Growing up, my parents would normally describe him as a cooky conservative […]
You Should Be Friends with People Who Vote Differently From You
How has that become a hot take? Thank God the election is over. That might have been the most toxic I have seen social media in my entire life. One type of post, in particular, caught my eye the most. The sentiment expressed was basically: “if you voted for Trump, we are not friends, and […]
The Left’s Anti-Catholic Resurgence
On September 6, 2017, Notre Dame Law Professor Amy Coney Barrett sat down in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee for a hearing on her appointment to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. At the hearing, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) told Barrett, “When I read your speeches, the conclusion one draws is that the dogma […]
CBS’s Strange Angel Details the Dangers of Straying from God
Ernest grips his knife as he pursues his prey. He’s brought his new neighbor and friend, Jack, out to the desert to kill him. As Ernest approaches Jack, the latter confidently yells, “I am he, the truth!” Immediately, wings of flame burst from his back. Ernest believes he has summoned an angel, and he prostrates […]
Cancel Cancel Culture
In recent months, the country has seen the reemergence of cancel culture, the id of American political discourse. It can best be defined as an overly and aggressively punitive practice of reprimanding disagreement in which one is browbeaten, usually by online rage mobs, for statements or actions both innocuous and unacceptable. When one is “canceled,” […]